Are you scaring patients away with your treatment plan pitch?

We have 7 ways to “LEVEL UP” your treatment plan conversations and boost your case acceptance rates:

Treatment planning is a conversation, not a lecture. Ask questions and understand your patient's goals, fears, worries, and concerns and use them to customize a plan that aligns with their goals. 

1. Listen

A confused mind will never buy. Make a list of frequently asked questions about specific procedures and address them up front so patients can fully comprehend the treatment they are agreeing to.

2. Educate

Be confident in your delivery, but not pushy. Avoid scare tactics and explain your/your doctor’s previous experiences with procedures, typical outcomes, and potential risks.

4. Earn Trust

Patients can become confused when your team is referencing different terminology. Encourage everyone on your team to use consistent wording for specific procedures and avoid using technical jargon as much as possible.

5. Language

Unconscious bias and stereotyping affect treatment planning conversations and patient care. Overcome internal assumptions by asking yourself questions like: “If this person were younger/older/weighed less/looked like me, would I treat them differently?”

6. Unbiased

Boost same-day acceptance by offering multiple ways for patients to pay (credit card/care credit, in-house financing, online payments) and schedule procedures on the same day or in as few visits as possible.

7. Payment Options

Want more treatment planning tips and tools to implement in your dental practice? Register for our free webinar: How To Boost Treatment Acceptance In Your Dental Practice today!

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