Practice Analytics
The module that changes your practice and organization immediately. Give someone a job and they will deliver on their responsibilities. Give someone a goal and they will give you results. Practice Analytics gives you metrics that empower you to see how your team is performing on a daily, weekly, monthly, and annual basis.

A Sneak Peek Into Some Metrics Adit Provides:

Re-Appointment Rate
Did you know that the rate at which your front-office re-appointments existing patients is single handedly the most important metric in running your practice? With Adit, not only can you see at what rate your team is retaining your patient base, but you can also see which patients are lost!
Lost Patients (Patient Churn Rate)
Most companies know exactly what percentage of their customers churn (or cancel), but does your practice know how many patients you are losing? Could you tell us how many patients you lost this year? With Adit, you can now track those patients who are lost and create automated follow up tasks for your staff to retain or re-engage those patients. Incentivize your staff based on patient retention vs churn.

Production Per Hour/Visit
Drive up monthly production by narrowing your focus to the production your team does within each exam. Learn from performing team members and train underperformers based on key insights.
Diagnostic and Treatment Acceptance Rate
Increase production with insights on how well your staff does on prescribing and presenting treatment options. Improving on treatment acceptance rate will increase your practice’s production per patient, per visit, and per hour!

Hygiene VS Restoration
You’ve heard of the 80/20 rule, where 80% of your revenue comes from 20% of your patients. This 20% are those higher-dollar appointments that every doctor wishes they could focus on. Does your staff have the metrics and KPIs in front of them to be able to improve production and retention from those high-value patients? Adit’s dashboard gives you the means to segment these patients and drill down on insights that can immediately make an impact in your production.
Patient Lifetime Value
Practices that generate more revenue per patient have the ability to be more aggressive in their marketing efforts. Do you know how much revenue your practice generates from a new patient? This amount is based on your team’s ability to generate revenue in the patient’s first visit and your team’s ability to re-appointment that patient for further treatment and their annual exams.

Your Dedicated Success Team
KPIs are great to look at, but we know your time is best spent seeing patients. That’s why your Success Team at Adit is here to meet you and your team members to help keep your team on point. In monthly meetings, Adit strives to keep you and your team on the pathway to success by training and suggesting continual improvements.