2 January 2023

Top Dental Practice Management Software of 2023 - Reviews, Pricing & Features

Top Dental Practice Management Software of 2023 - Reviews, Pricing & Features

One of the most challenging aspects of running a busy dental practice is having enough time to balance patient needs and everyday management duties. Fortunately, there are countless software options available to help automate much of this work so that your staff makes fewer errors and patients receive an improved service experience.

Any dental marketing agency will tell you that investing in the right practice management software is key in creating an efficient and profitable company. But, you may not be sure which is best for your unique business needs. Because there are hundreds of providers to choose from, it's crucial you become familiar with the standard features of these applications, what benefits your dental company should expect, and what new trends are on the horizon.

This updated article will aim to answer these questions and provide you with an overview of the top dental practice management software available for your business in 2023.

What is Dental Practice Management Software?

What is Dental Practice Management Software?

In short, dental practice management software is an application chock full of tools for your team to perform day-to-day operations more efficiently. The capabilities that this cutting-edge technology brings to the table are nothing short of astounding. From streamlining your entire appointment scheduling to improving patient charting and documentation tracking, the boost to your dental office's productivity will amaze you.

Many dental offices rely on this type of software solution to centralize patient communication and make it easier for their front desk teams to manage reminders, direct calls and engage their patient base. These dental practice management applications are designed to integrate with existing systems. They can help eliminate bottlenecks in workflows in several aspects of your business operations, including billing, patient intake, advertising, and more.

If you're reading this latest guide for the upcoming 2023 new year, you're probably in the market for one of these software solutions. But do you know what qualifies as a dental practice management application? Below are the primary criteria to look for when evaluating which provider has the best product for your dental office:

  • Automates administrative tasks, especially for your front desk team
  • HIPAA-compliant
  • Streamlines office communications with a state-of-the-art VoIP phone system
  • Centralizes patient record storage
  • Automates patient scheduling, reminders, and recall efforts
  • Provides billing and payment features
  • Comes with robust web design features and customization of management features
  • Easily integrates with already existing third-party dental software you are using
  • Gives users powerful insights into patient demographics, ad performance, and other crucial marketing metrics

Now that you have a better understanding of the basic features of quality dental practice management software let's explore how to choose the best for your office!

Choosing the Best Dental Practice Management Software for Your Office in 2023

Choosing the Best Dental Practice Management Software for Your Office

It takes more than knowing what features are available to choose your company's best dental practice management software. There are hundreds of vendors to choose from that offer this type of technology, so it's essential to evaluate how the tools they offer will benefit your office if you need all the options available and other important factors.

Determining which characteristics are ideal for your practice requires careful assessment of your operational needs, any bottlenecks hampering your productivity, and even your long-term financial goals. Below is a brief checklist you can review to help you figure out exactly what software features you need in any management application you decide to invest in.


When assessing features each software option offers, think about what is essential and which don't apply to your needs or wants.


Before you begin your search, assess the current operational issues your office is struggling to resolve or services you want to expand. Does the management software package include tools that can address these concerns?


If you plan to keep your existing practice software, will a new application integrate seamlessly? This should also be considered when it comes to any diagnostic hardware you might have installed too.

Ease of Use

Make sure to consider how easily your office staff can learn to use a new dental practice management software you choose to buy. Is it intuitive? Does it have many of the same features they are already accustomed to using? It's also important to consider how your patients will navigate these new service options too.


There isn't a dental practice management software out there that doesn't have a learning curve. Any product you choose should come with award-winning support for your team, including outside of normal business hours.


In addition, to support, make sure that comprehensive training is provided to ensure your team can learn all the ins and outs of your new software. Make sure to find out if instruction is conducted through live streaming or in-person. Also, inquire if there will be a resource library to access for future reference.


When determining your budget, it's important to understand how the features you need can impact the price you'll pay. You should also ask vendors if there are any subscription costs, opt-out fees, and other hidden expenses you need to know about so you can get an exact price point before committing.

As you can see, there's a lot to consider when determining which dental practice management software is ideal for your busy office. With that said, you should also speak with leading team members about the types of options they would like to see in an integrated or completely new management application. This can ensure that you narrow down your options to those that genuinely meet your team's needs, patient expectations, and business financial goals.

Dental Practice Management Software Benefits

With all this talk of what to look for before investing in a new dental practice management software for your firm, you should also understand the benefits of purchasing an up-to-date application. The benefits of today's technologically advanced management options come with a new wave of automated tools and AI-driven processes that not only make your practice more efficient but profitable.

Below are the primary benefits you can expect:

Increased HIPAA Compliance and Data Security

One of the most costly mistakes your team can make is violating HIPAA regulations when it comes to protecting the personal health information of your patients. Today's dental practice management software options frequently rely on a cloud-based solution that relies on secure encryption no matter what device you choose to access patient data from.

Simplified Patient Scheduling

Another benefit that will make your team members and patients raving is how much easier appointment scheduling, cancellation, and reminders are thanks to automated processing. Even better? With simple linking in text messaging and emails, just the click of a button can allow patients to confirm their scheduled treatments and make changes if needed.

Improve the Accuracy of Patient Charting

Imagine streamlining the often tedious task of digital patient charting. With upgraded dental practice office management software, you can ensure your staff creates patient treatment plans and charts that your dentists and hygienists from anywhere can easily access.

Reduce No-Shows and Last-Minute Cancellations

One significant benefit of using a dental practice management software that leverages automation is it keeps your patients engaged. In addition, the costly effect of no-shows gets reduced thanks to automated reminders to schedule, attend, or confirm upcoming appointments.

Streamline Your Intake Process

One of the most time-consuming aspects of a dental patient's visit is the paperwork involved, especially if it's their first time visiting your office. Modern management software allows you to upload necessary forms for your patients to complete and send back electronically, including insurance information and their health history.

Cost Savings

The expense associated with achieving patient growth and retention can add up fast. Every penny you invest should help further your practice's success. When you rely on several different service providers to run your dental office, this requires significant upfront costs and monthly fees. Finding dental software that can combine the functions of several applications into one will streamline your operational processes and expense.

Improved Collections

For many patients who either pay late or fail to settle their accounts, it's about convenience more than a willingness to pay. With integrated payment options that provide securely encrypted payment processing, your billing staff can collect faster and more efficiently on patient accounts.

Greater Accessibility Across Your Entire Practice

Dental practice management software creates greater access to patient charting throughout your entire organization. As a result, not only can your administrative team easily monitor insurance eligibility, but your dental team can avoid oversight mistakes when it comes to treatment complications or follow-ups with patients from anywhere.

As you can see, the bottom line to any dental practice management software you choose should be its ability to streamline your operations and boost your overall ROI through improved patient experiences and reduced workflow bottlenecks.

Features Your Office Needs in Its Dental Practice Management Software

Features Your Office Needs in Its Dental Practice Management Software

So, what features does your dental practice need in management software to boost your team's productivity, increase patient satisfaction, and grow your revenue? This can be difficult to determine at first, but familiarizing yourself with the standard features built-in to these applications will prove invaluable to your decision-making.

Online Appointment Scheduling

While most cloud-based dental practice management software includes appointment scheduling features, look for options that integrate with your website and existing processes. This will ensure that your patients can easily book appointments at their convenience, or your team can do so for them. Some programs even offer two-way integrations that can set up these appointments from your current management interface.

Further, imagine having the ability to create a customized schedule for different branches, treatment plans, and by dentist or hygienist. Patients can access this feature through an integrated widget through a continually updated calendar so they can be sure the time they book is guaranteed.

Secured Patient Records

Outside of the ability to create accurate dental charts and treatment plans, any dental practice management software you purchase will make it possible to update them quickly and easily from anywhere. So, if your office accepts after-hours emergency calls, there doesn't have to be a delay in sharing the outcome of the treatment performed until your dental firm reopens the next day.

HIPAA Compliance Safeguards

One of your most essential duties as a dental care provider is to ensure the security of your patient's PHI. Any software you choose for your business should comply with current HIPAA regulations, which means the level of encryption and security measures should comply with these laws. Quality applications will ensure you avoid costly violations by meeting these legal standards.

Patient Form Integration Tools

As mentioned earlier, patient intake can be time-consuming for your front desk team. Your patients need your dental office to receive, retrieve, and send their information to ensure they get the best possible care. Creating online forms that integrate with your management system allows you to capture electronic signatures, make specific blocks of content to be completed, and more.

Two-Way Text Messaging

This feature helps facilitate communication between patients and their providers on a wide variety of matters, including recalling, confirming upcoming visits, and reminders into a centralized inbox. Messaging tools can also ensure that relevant patient information is quickly pulled and help your team create a personalized care experience with your dental practice.


One important service option you should get out of your new dental practice management system is teledentistry. Now more than ever, patients need flexible treatment solutions. Imagine being able to provide post-appointment follow-ups through HIPAA-compliant video streaming or providing emergency dental consults when they need you most. This not only increases patient access to your services but saves on operational costs associated with in-person visits.

Current Software Trends in Dental Practice Management Software

Current Software Trends in Dental Practice Management Software

The primary purpose of dental practice management software is to help your practice become more efficient and profitable. In addition, this technology regularly leads to new advancements to assist your office and patients in creating a quality care environment, which means it's crucial to pay attention to the latest trends affecting your industry.

The following are some key developments to keep an eye on when making your decision:

Artificial Intelligence

It should be no surprise that artificial intelligence (AI) has affected every industry in the modern world. Dentistry has been no exception, and in 2023, many organizations depend on state-of-the-art software solutions that incorporate this powerful technology to streamline their businesses and improve patient outcomes. Thanks to automated educational databases and enhanced communication and scheduling features, your clinical staff and administration team will enjoy an improved interoperability experience.

Patient Reviews

The lifeblood of every practice is patients. Without regular patronage and referrals, a dental office will struggle to sustain itself and not achieve its full growth potential. One of the latest trends that have quickly gained popularity is automating review reminders and tracking feedback to manage brand reputation.

Advanced dental practice management software achieves this by allowing your staff to set up automated text messages with hyperlinks to review features on platforms like a Google My Listing page or a Facebook business profile. When patients complete this process, your integrated software can then pull this information to an intuitive dashboard where your team can respond and address any performance issues that may have been mentioned.

Smart Device Solutions

How many people do you know that own a smart device in some form or another? The reality is that our world is all about digital communication, which means your management software needs to offer mobile features. This includes text messaging that is HIPAA-compliant, conducting virtual dental visits from the convenience of a mobile phone, and even ensuring that your website is mobile-responsive in its design and features.

Call Tracking

Another important marketing trend found in dental practice management software is call tracking. Imagine having the ability to use your application to track each inbound call to its source. Whether a prospect is calling from a number posted in a PPC campaign or is an existing patient inquiring about a dental whitening ad they saw on a Google search, call tracking features can deliver real-time metrics and data about the caller.

If possible, you may be able to include call recording as part of your management software so that you can conduct personalized callbacks and evaluate how your team interacts with patients and potential leads.

KPI Reporting

Have you ever wondered what demographic some of your dental services appeal to the most so you can target advertising to generate more quality leads and conversions? KPI reporting through a cutting-edge management application can provide you with this insight and reveal what factors contribute to your success.

Some examples of KPIs for various segments include:


Understand how your profit margins are measuring up, popular service analysis, and how many new customers come to your office each month.


Get a snapshot of how much traffic is being driven to your dental website successfully by your digital marketing efforts. How much is due to PPC click-throughs from your ads? Is your message persuasive enough to convert?

Team Performance

Learn about everything from your employee's satisfaction to patient retention. For example, how much production time gets spent on unpaid administrative tasks versus billable services?

Patient Experience

Are your patients spending too much on hold, or does your staff need to improve their call times? KPI reporting can measure how efficiently your patients interact with your team and the efficiency of service performance.

Email Marketing Features

Many dental practice management software providers are now incorpoGoogle Rating comprehensive marketing features as part of their toolsets. This trend has proven beneficial in easing the time sink often associated with email marketing. By having the ability to send bulk communications to specified patient segments, you can re-engage prospects and recall former clients.

The above trends are just the tip of the iceberg, and you should expect even more profit-driving advancements in dental practice management software technology in the future. Taking the time to research and eventually invest in an all-in-one management solution will help you not only streamline your business but stay ahead of your competition effectively.

The Difference Between Cloud-Based and On-Site Management Software

Depending on your preference, you may opt to have your dental practice management software installed on-site in your server, but you may want to consider otherwise. Because you already have to spend valuable business dollars on equipment and software licensing, you may want to cut down your on-premises system costs. These are usually higher because you will need to keep this type of server secure both electronically and physically to meet HIPAA laws, which will also demand you maintain backups of your patient's PHI. This is why you want to consider going with a cloud-based (web-based) software option.

So, what's the difference between the two? Essentially, it comes down to access. Don't worry! This isn't going to be a complicated technical explanation to differentiate the two, though. Should you decide to invest in a cloud-based application, you will need to ensure it has access to the internet to function, where an on-site option would be hosted locally.

Also known as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), cloud dental practice management software options typically cost much less upfront to get started. You won't need to host own server, and you will avoid a software licensing fee because access to this type of application is based on a subscription. You may think this is a more expensive option than having an on-site server setup, but the reality is the opposite.

Cloud-based management software means you don't have to fork out the initial expense of server hardware or software, security costs are not your problem, and you don't have to hire a team of IT professionals to maintain it. These fees are all covered by your subscription cost. Your vendor will handle every aspect of maintenance and data security; just be sure that their standards meet HIPAA requirements.

Of course, hiccups can happen when relying on a SaaS dental practice management solution. Server downtime and other disruptions can make it difficult sometimes, but quality providers can usually guarantee a 99% uptime or better. Unfortunately, the reality is that your internet provider is more likely to suffer an outage because of weather than your software vendor.

Finally, a web-based application will give your team and your patients better access to your services. Whether on a mobile phone, tablet, or home computer, running your office and maximizing patient care experiences becomes a breeze no matter where you're located.

The Best Dental Practice Management Software in 2023

Without further ado, here are our top picks for dental practice management software for 2023.

1. Adit

Google Rating: 4.9/5


If you want cloud-based software that not just manages your practice but modernizes it, Adit is your go-to management software platform. As a premier dental practice management solution, this provider makes it possible to simplify business tasks and marketing so you can focus on doing what you love: dentistry.

Not only can you streamline your front desk operations with centralized communication features, but you can create a more efficient intake process with digital form integrations and dental VoIP service. With a robust set of built-in marketing tools, you can easily create and conduct email campaigns that provide patients with text and video messaging that is convenient and HIPAA-compliant.

Another feature that puts Adit above the rest is its advanced patient recall system that leverages automation to re-engage inactive patients in your current PMS and get them back in your office. Because this agency focuses on dental digital marketing, its platform also provides advanced analytics to its users so they can transform their practice into revenue-geneGoogle Rating powerhouses.

Finally, it's hard to ignore the advantage Adit provides its clients because it's the only SaaS that combines patient engagement and marketing into one convenient service. Patient acquisition and retention are no longer separate processes when using this software because it takes a comprehensive approach to all aspects of practice management. From providing industry coaching, staff training, branding, and insightful metrics based on KPIs that matter to your dental company, Adit delivers a complete package that boosts your ROI from day one.

Final Verdict

Adit is specifically designed to help your dental practice reach its full potential through built-in automation and marketing tools that engage your patients. From convenient online scheduling integrations that reduce no-shows and streamline operations to cost-saving teledentistry features and patient review campaigning, this newer software option is at the top of our list for a good reason. With their unbeatable Patient Guarantee and generous demo offers, you also can be sure that any of the products you choose come with award-winning support and results.

2. Curve Dental

Google Rating: 4.4/5

Curve Dental

Curve Dental is a cloud-based management software that allows dental teams to prioritize patient outcomes and satisfaction. This company is definitely one to put on your shortlist for consideration because, like Adit, it works on a subscription cost model. This means you don't have to worry about expensive up-front investments in on-site server hardware and multiple vendor software licenses.

This platform also boasts around-the-clock live support and is regularly innovating new tools and functionality for its users. In addition, because this company understands the importance of focusing on future needs, it does everything possible to ensure you have the latest advancements available in management software. This means you won't outgrow your system as your dental company expands.

Much like its competitors, Curve offers advanced charting options, digital imaging, integrative billing, and reporting, as well as convenient scheduling widgets. Like you, this provider believes your patients drive your business and have crafted a management solution that makes their interests a top priority.

Final Verdict

Curve Dental is a great practice management software for practices trying to streamline their workflow. Being able to customize your billing is a much-appreciated feature, especially since it supports eTransactions and has 24/7 support available. Of course, we did find that this platform currently doesn't offer any mobile applications presently, and at the time of this review, there wasn't a free trial option to "try it before you buy it." Still, it does offer a cloud-based approach that will definitely benefit your practice in the long run.

3. Dentrix

Google Rating: 4.3/5


Dentrix is a practice management software platform that boasts unmatched industry experience and leadership. This translates into a toolbox chock full of clinical tools and automated processes that can increase your office's efficiency and organization on a customized level that is hard to beat.

When evaluating how this management solution can meet the needs of a dental company, we had to take a look at their extensive "Dentrix Connected" suite. All of the available services and products are available in a mix and match format based on your budget or the goals you have for your dental practice. Like Adit, this SaaS company has personalized reminder features, online appointment booking, and digital form integrations.

Even more exciting are the eServices you can integrate with your current PMS to handle everything from filing electronic insurance claims to billing. This means practices can start collecting sooner and save productivity time on financial operations.

Dentrix offers clinical tools that focus on reducing EHR entry while maximizing data accuracy. This is crucial for busy offices spending a large part of their time on treatment planning, entering progress notes, or charting other important patient information. One impressive tool in this category was Dentrix VoicePro. This feature makes it possible for treatment providers to record exam findings during procedures using speech recognition technology and a microphone.

Even more impressive is that almost all of their features easily integrate with other Dentrix suite products, making it easier to create a customized solution package that benefits your practice.

Final Verdict

If you want a dental practice management software that focuses on making your office more efficient, Dentrix by Henry Schein has the suite of products you need to accomplish your workflow goals. With over 30,000 oral healthcare providers relying on this platform, you can be sure it's a quality product with an excellent reputation.

4. Eaglesoft

Google Rating 4.03/5


Patterson's Eaglesoft is a scalable dental practice management software option designed for extensive customization to meet the varying workflow of your company. Like other similar applications, its primary focus is improving your company's efficiency and overall organization.

A unique feature that you won't find elsewhere is its "family walkout" option. This is a time-saving tool that lets your billing staff quickly create charges for multiple family members in one process instead of under separate accounts. Also, their Smart Claims and Invoices widget allows your team to generate invoices based on patient data stored anywhere in your office. So, if you're short-staffed and need your billing clerk to cover the front desk, they can still perform their daily invoicing with minimal disruption.

Another feature that your patients will appreciate is the ability for your staff to access their clinical notes, charts, and more from any computer. This, along with digital imaging integration, means patient records are now more comprehensive and centralized.

Of course, our review wouldn't be complete without mentioning the support knowledgebase Dentrix provides its users. CAESY Cloud is an on-demand patient education tool that offers multimedia presentations that patients can engage with to better understand how their diagnosis, procedures, and treatment plans will affect them.

Final Verdict

If your primary reason for purchasing dental practice management software is to help your office run more smoothly, Eaglesoft has one of the strongest track records out there. Keep in mind that if your current platform is locally hosted, this vendor still has a lot to offer to optimize your dental company.

5. DentiMax

Google Rating: 4.5/5


Dental companies spend a lot of time collecting their profits, and this production time can be expensive since its focus is financing and not treating patients. DentiMax comes to the rescue as a Windows-based dental office management software program or as a cloud solution. This flexibility guarantees your practice can enjoy technologically advanced features like automated appointment reminders, customized charting, and even X-ray integration, all while still tracking staffing hours.

How does Dentimax stand out from the competition? When it comes to revenue collection, this program is hard to beat. With its proprietary Ledger Screen, this platform gives visual snapshots of everything related to billing, including potential write-offs, patient payments, insurance reimbursements, and so much more. This helps your staff speed up the collection process and help your patients pay on time.

In addition to streamlined billing capabilities, this software is ideal for practices wanting to keep a sharp focus on their aging reports. Knowing what monies are owed to you by patients and insurance firms alike ensures your cash flow is steady and dependable.

Final Verdict

As a fully integrative dental practice management software that provides comprehensive financial solutions, this company has proven time, and again it can provide most features you need to run an efficient office. While it's frustrating that Dentimax still limits its services to Windows users after all these years, they have at least made their platform available to Mac users through the Cloud.

It would be best to keep in mind that other offered integrations, like imaging sensors, don't come automatically with their core system and will need to be purchased separately. Still, it's definitely at the top of our list for reliability and having the core features your dental company needs.

6. Dental Intelligence

Google Rating 4.9/5

Dental Intelligence

For dental companies wanting a management software that acts more like a productivity suite, Dental Intelligence may be worth looking at. Not only can you enjoy auto-generated metrics and reporting, but making sense of this raw data is made simpler with this cloud-based solution. Even better? You can access it from anywhere. Whether from your mobile while at a conference or from your home office, it's never been easier to leverage its many digital tools to make your practice more profitable.

Specifically unique about this software provider is how it generates a performance review of the previous day's KPIs. You can even customize it to create action plans for your team members based on these insights. Need to streamline patient communication and reduce no-shows? With a few simple steps, Dental Intelligence can propagate various call lists based on several different goals, including:

  • Hygiene recare
  • Appointment confirmations
  • Scheduling reminders
  • Payment collections
  • And more

This platform also can provide you with an intelligent caller ID system that easily integrates with your current phone system. Imagine how much easier it will be for your front desk team to pull up patient records based on their phone number? Having quick access to this data also benefits payment and appointment details that need follow-up.

Like most other dental practice management software, Dental Intelligence comes with a smart scheduling solution that can fill available slots in your calendar. In addition, if you want to analyze team performance, this application can provide important metrics to help guide other training goals.

Final Verdict

Ultimately, Dental Intelligence is ideal for dental practices looking to find ways to improve productivity and patient experience with the goal of increasing revenue and sustaining growth. With its mobile app capabilities, real-time data reporting, and automated task scheduler, this PMS offers a lot. With that said, startup fees appear to be significant, and it seems the service provider has limited hours for contacting support. This could prove problematic if you run into any snags using their software, depending on where you are located.

7. Open Dental

Google Rating: 4.7/5

Open Dental

One of the more economically priced dental practice management software options of 2023 is Open Dental. While a good rule of thumb is "you get what you pay for," this platform offers a surprising array of robust features that you would find in premier PMS providers. Your staff can enjoy automated patient scheduling, portal access, business reporting, insurance validation integrations, and even customized charting!

Most modern management applications indeed have these features, but Open Dental takes it a step further. Its platform is open-source, which means its licensing allows you to access its source code and modify and/or distribute it as you see fit. Further, this company also provides you with complete access to your practice database, which may seem like nothing extraordinary, but it is. Did you know that some practice management vendors actually lockdown this data and will make you pay a fee to get access? This usually occurs when a dental company is planning to switch to a new platform or provider.

You may be thinking that open-source PMS platforms that are budget-friendly probably lack decent customer service, but this isn't true with Open Dental. Their support team is always available to take your calls, and there is a vast library of tutorial videos to help guide you, as well as a community of users ready to help in their forums.

If you're worried about training, even Open Dental recommends choosing an application that has an onboarding system in place to help transition to new software. By providing comprehensive customer service options through live calls, forums, and online databases full of FAQs and how-tos, they recognize there is a learning curve to overcome when implementing new management applications in your practice.

Finally, Open Dental is ideal because of its ability to help your office operate paperlessly. From digital charting and treatment planning, electronic prescription integrations, and online scheduling, you can easily streamline your office and cut down on supply costs like paper reams and postage.

Final Verdict

If you are into data and understanding every aspect driving your practice, an open-source PMS like Open Dental will definitely provide you with more control. The specificity of the queries you can create and customized reporting will be an absolute dream. With that said, some standard features are missing from this platform that you would find in other cloud-based solutions. Namely, you can access your service from any web browser, and any data you store is automatically encrypted and stored safely in the Cloud. Open Dental doesn't at this time, but if you intend to utilize on-site hosting, you will have every feature you need at a much more budget-friendly cost than other SaaS competitors.

8. Denticon

Google Rating: 4.7/5


Denticon is a solid dental practice management software solution that benefits its users with cloud-based services and networking. This platform is top-rated for brands that operate several branches because you can enable your team to access the same records no matter which location they are at.

When it comes to streamlining clinical tasks, this PMS is a great option. For example, entering period measurements while chairside is difficult, but with its voice-activated recording functions, your team can capture gum pocket measurements, for instance, and not have to pause to write down their notations.

Like many other management software options, this platform focuses on streamlining your practice by easing the burden on your dental team. Through the use of customized macros, repetitive tasks can be easily automated. The interface also included convenient dropdowns for quick entry of commonly updated/entered fields.

Final Verdict

With a focus on dental companies with multiple practice locations, Denticon is a management software that uses advanced cloud-based services to keep patient data centralized and easily accessible across all sites. With various support approaches, incorporation of essential business services like billing, and employee product training, you can expect minimal downtime while adjusting to its features.

There is a concern that your office has to use Windows to use it, and currently, there aren't any mobile applications to further boost your efficiency. Still, Denticon has several key features that will prove indispensable for complex practice structures with multiple providers in different locations.


Google Rating 4.4/5


As a cloud-based SaaS dental practice management software, Mogo Cloud has oodles of features that are advantageous for your new or established office. First, we have to mention how much your front desk team will appreciate this application. With tools that allow your staff to create online patient forms, patient registration, and intake, as well as appointment scheduling, it has never been easier. Even better? This program ensures all patient PHI is secure and utilizes access code integrations by those completing an online form request.

On the technical side, your office will find a reduction in data redundancy issues because MOGO backs up this information directly to the Cloud. This PMS company takes HIPAA compliance seriously, as well, and you can rest easy knowing your patient records are safely and securely stored on servers hosted by Microsoft Azure.

Another software feature that has our review team impressed is MOGO's focus on patient engagement. The eReminders product highlights the latest advancements in patient communication options by utilizing both email and text messaging to confirm scheduled appointments. More impressive is that you can use this feature to send out birthday greetings, appointment confirmations, and even rescheduling requests.

If you are still using traditional methods to process insurance claims, you're going to love the electronic claims submission tool. By partnering their services with Change Healthcare, your billing team can track the status of these transactions within the Cloud. Of course, this platform also provides your practice with a useful Accounts Receivable Report feature built-in to its product suite. This helps your staff take a more organized approach through the use of filters and parameters.

Final Verdict

MOGO made it on our list because of its centralized cloud-based approach to dental practice management. The convenience of electronic claim filing and tracking highlights how this technology truly benefits oral healthcare providers' financial health everywhere. But, with all of its features, MOGO doesn't offer round-the-clock support or significant mobile support. Despite these failings, it's still an excellent option for busy dental practices everywhere.

10. ACE Dental

Google Rating: 4.6/5

ACE Dental

Another dental practice management software that leads the way in making clinical processes more efficient is ACE Dental. This program seems to have everything you could possibly want when it comes to treatment planning. With its 3D Restorative Charting, your team can use an odontogram and enter a treatment plan associated with the teeth represented on the chart. Imagine being able to document how a patient's teeth have drifted or rotated. Perio charting is also included as part of this comprehensive documentation package.

When it comes to your front office, ACE Dental PMS simplifies your appointment scheduling process by utilizing drag and drop technology and includes pre-blocking on your calendar to ensure appointments are made when your dentist is on-site.

As an industry veteran in SaaS technology, you can rely on this software package to speed up check-out processes, even if multiple family members are treated. Coordination of these visits can also be easily managed thanks to the platform's Patient and Family Ledger feature.

Final Verdict

As you can see, ACE Dental offers an extensive range of services aimed at making dental practice management a smooth process that benefits your team. Because they use upfront, tiered pricing, you know exactly what you will pay. Another plus is the integrated messaging features and digital signature support. But, like some other contenders on this list, there is a lack of mobile support, in-person onboarding isn't available, and you can't hop on a live chat with customer service if you run into problems with their software. Ace Dental still has a lot to offer despite these shortcomings because of its decades of industry experience and incorporated knowledge in its platform that many dentists rely on today.

A Word on Free Dental Practice Management Software

Whether you are a new startup with a small budget or an established practice that wants to avoid a significant investment, free dental practice management software may seem like a viable solution to consider when first starting your search. Unfortunately, a quick Google search will pull up a lot of false advertisements. Many free PMS solutions are actually limited versions of a more comprehensive package that you can purchase. Or, it's only offering a free trial period that requires the purchase of a subscription or software license when it ends.

But, there are a few diamonds in a sea of fakes, and we've included an updated guide that reviews a few of them, though most will require you to backup data yourself and don't provide any customer support. You may not even be able to migrate your data over at all!


As a free and open-source dental practice software, this unique free PMS relies on a .NET framework and MY SQL database to help you improve your everyday administrative tasks. Even though the public version is free and includes features such as plug-in creation for additional features, a paid upgrade version offers more management tools.

Features found on the free version include:

  • Patient profile creation
  • Appointment booking
  • Dental charting
  • Scheduling features
  • Create searchable reports
  • Send out appointment reminders
  • Insurance and payment collection reporting
  • Centralized dashboard
  • Integrative with digital imaging systems
  • Conduct patient recalls and reminders through email and text messaging
  • Product support

Open EMR

Another free dental practice management software you might consider for your office is OpenEMR. It's friendly to just about every operating system you can imagine, including Windows, Mac, and Linux. In addition, because it's an open-source platform, you can customize it for your specific needs, including translating it into 30 different languages!

Primary features that OpenEMR offers its clients:

  • Patient demographic tracking
  • Appointment reminders and notifications via text and email
  • Virtual calendar so patients can pick an open time slot
  • Patient prescription monitoring
  • EMR
  • Insurance billing support
  • Registration forms
  • Analytics and reporting
  • Documentation encryption


The final free PMS on our list is Dentaltap, a cloud-based software solution that provides its tools at no cost until your patient base exceeds 150. Because this platform is encrypted, it also meets important HIPAA requirements that can ensure you remain compliant when storing and accessing your patients' PHI.

But, this provider's commitment to security doesn't stop at health data. Because it offers payment processing tools, credit card transactions your office takes meets PCI DSS standards, as well. This dental practice management software is hosted on the Amazon Cloud, so you can be certain that uptime is at 99% or better.

Other features this service provides includes:

  • Dental Charting
  • Task management
  • Appointment scheduling
  • Task and treatment scheduling
  • Patient record tracking
  • Integrated patient forms
  • Billing support, including online payment features
  • Patient and treatment history search tools
  • Appointment reminders
  • Access from any device, including mobile

Pros and Cons of Dental Practice Management Software

Purchasing dental practice management software is one of the most important and wisest investments you can make as a business owner. A state-of-the-art solution that utilizes the latest technological tools will ensure that your office runs efficiently, provides top-quality care to your patients, and improve your overall ROI and profitability.

To quickly recap the benefits of implementing a PMS in your dental office, we've broken it all down into four primary advantages:

  • Improved patient experiences and outcomes
  • Streamlined billing and collection processes
  • Increased profitability
  • Workflows that are streamlined and eliminate bottlenecks

When it comes to the downside to implementing a new or upgraded dental practice management system, it really depends on the type of software you choose. Cloud-based options have their own unique set of issues, including potential security breaches and downtime onboarding your team. On the other hand, on-site systems require significant upfront investment and both physical and electronic security measures.

Final Thoughts About Dental Management Software

If you are considering a cloud-based dental practice management software solution for your office, it's vital that you first get familiar with the latest features available and how they will impact your operations. You know you only want the best PMS for your hard-earned dollars, but don't primarily focus on the cost involved and instead what you want to accomplish with your new system.

Many cloud-based options rely on a SaaS approach which requires minimal upfront costs, provides HIPAA-compliant security standards, and can integrate many features with your current PMS. While this updated list only covers what we believe to be the best applications available, don't only take our word for it. Narrow down your choices to a few and schedule a free demonstration so you can become familiar with the product before you buy it.

Dental practice management software companies like Adit pride themselves on the results they bring their clients, so don't hesitate to scour reviews and read case studies made available. If a company doesn't appear to have these sources of information about their products, continue searching.

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