Does the DSO Demographic Fit Your Dental Practice?
Whether starting up a new practice fresh out of dental school or have spent years growing your dental clinic into a multi-office franchise, you may be considering ways to delegate some of your day-to-day duties. Having...
2 September 2022Practical Tips to Improve Every Aspect of Your Dental Practice
As a dental practice owner, you wear many hats besides being a dentist. Day-to-day operations require constant monitoring to ensure the best outcomes for your patients. This responsibility is in addition to making important...
1 September 2022Best Email and SMS Dental Appointment Reminder Templates
Does your front desk team spend an inordinate part of their day tracking down patients via phone call to ensure they make their appointments? Are they sending email and postcard reminders with little effect on no-show and...
1 September 2022Patient Communication Cadence: What It Is and How to Define It
Reminder messages are pivotal in keeping dental patients returning for oral healthcare services. Because it's easy for messaging to be forgotten, finding the right cadence for these communications is essential. Creating...
1 September 2022What are Patient Portals and Does Your Practice Have One?
As a dental professional, you are probably familiar with EHRs and practice management software. These are crucial technological tools to keep your busy office running smoothly, ensure patients...
18 July 202210 Proven Steps to Reduce Cancellations and No Shows in Your Dental Practice
As a dental practice owner, you appreciate how busy your patients' lives are and do your best to accommodate last-minute cancellations and no shows. Sometimes it's a genuine mistake of dates getting mixed up or just forgetting...
18 July 2022How to increase your dental practice's productivity?
To give your dental practice the best shot at success, you probably make every effort to run it as efficiently as possible. Strategic management of workflows, using practice management software,...
18 July 2022How to Reduce Your Dental Practice's Overhead Costs
As a dental practice owner, you know all too well how expensive it is to run your office. Between equipment and supply purchases, payroll, lab costs, and advertising, you may worry if it's possible to maintain your profitability...
18 July 2022